NOT WORK SAFE : would u bang my gf?

if you saw her walk into a bar, would u

  1. want to bang her
  2. would bang but wouldnt persue
  3. wouldnt touch with your worst enemys dick

ps: this is a very serious poll and there are stakes on the line for if i win. maybe if i win u will get more pics so choose wisely :wink:


Choice #2.

Did she put you up to this thread? :lol

heres what she thinks.

she thinks men dont want to fuck her and im insane about being jealous of certain circumstances because im constanly telling her how gorgeous i think she is and how everyman in the room would fuck her harder than seans love for adam.

option 2, would best fit me :lmao, good luck winning, in for more pics lol

edit: sounds to be a common prob of girls, never thinking their pretty enough hah… good pick up E, shes def a looker :thumbup

editedit: seans love for adam is getting out of hand

I clicked #2 I dont like fake nails. lol

this shit is a setup by a jealous rage filled man, anyone voting option 1 will most certainly violently perish.

watch your votes nigguhz

i have a feeling im going to get very skewed results because of option #2.

basiclly what i want to know is who would fuck her and would would actually turn it down.

would smash…even though i would be smashed in the head by beefcake after

Girl is attractive, I don’t see why any warm blooded male wouldn’t want to smash.

There is absolutely nothing about her that would turn me away physically.

She’s probably nuts though.

By traditional standards, you’d literally have to be a homosexual to turn down a sex offer from your girlfriend.

I’m gonna go ahead and say WOULD SMASH.

ben, sometimes i swear u are retarded.

this came about because tomorrow night we are going to a party and she is wearing next to nothing. i told her if any dudes try anything im going to yoke them up. she replied, “babe, no one wants to fuck me but u.”

this is where i said let me prove u wrong. hence the thread



good job Ben, u just described all women.

but no srsly shes very sane. very good to me too and holy shit takes care of me like whoa! im talking cleaning, making me anything i want whenever i want! post sex goes like this, “bitch make me a sammich and a nice tall glass of cold milk!” and she looks at me funny and says ok brb. haha if thats not absolute WIN i dont know what is.

yeah shes crazy for thinking that

I bet if you posted a picture of her in her costume, almost ALL of the votes would be choice #1. :rofl

god you are such a whiny little bitch