hey i need ur guys’ opinion about cheating on a girl
i’ve only been with my girlfriend for about 6 months but i like her a lot…but the other night i was at a party and i met this other chick. this one is really really really hot…not that my gf isn’t but this chick, wow! :idhitit:
this chick told me that she wanted to hook up with me but we couldn’t that night cuz she was leaving so we set a place to meet and i dunno if i should go or not…i don’t wanna break up with my girlfriend so i dunno what i should do.
anyone have any advice or stories that could help me?!?!?! :dunno:
not worth it. If you really care about your girlfriend you wont do it. And if you dont care enough about your girlfriend to not cheat on her, you should just break up now. Think with your big head, not your little one.
And I can’t believe I am gonna say this but Listen to Darkstar - If you think about cheating now you shouldn’t be with your current girl. Thats definitely not fair to her…And by the way WE ALWAYS FIND OUT!!! Save your self lookin like a true cock sucker and break up with the girl first…