Ask a Lesbian anything...

If you can make that work and enjoy it, then have at it…

fast or slow?

try the minivan next time just saying

just to help the ones who dont know aka the dubs

nope. my lesbianism is deep rooted. long before edubs.

YOu had more than a good time… you came home confused and smelling like vajayjay in the morning and bright red cheeks with hair all messed up uhuh… way more than a good time…


Oh god… where is Emanuel…


Although… He did try to show you his manhood once… how did that go for you?

Finally i found a loop hole.



I’m expecting some good questions accumulated here by the morning time :lol

Really? The few girls that i’ve been with all liked it fast and rough.

Oh boy, you’re setting yourself up on that one.

or a toe hole.

i want a tshirt of this!@

neither did the YO!!!

and who is to say she has not tried this yet! you heard her in the bedroom last night…

Agreed!! Unfortunately she wont check i again until after work…

Yes, I’m aware.

since i’m not really interested in asking you questions about your sex life…do you have any attractive single female friends u can hook me up with?

^^this question sparked this one VV

do lezboz like gay dudes?

Can’t wait for Yo’s response on this one, lulz. I already know what she’s going to say, but I hope she goes into detail…


whats your favorite names for boobs and vaginas?

cool paul

Woah i finally made it to the thread…