At dat zoo. (20 pics)

Apparently the thing to do was go to the zoo this week. I went yesterday, it was a pretty decent time… There were only a handful of people there, which was nice, but I think a lot of the animals were in storage or something…

Checked out the new RAIN FOREST exhibit…

ELUSIVE WHITE RHINO: on loan from Just Karter’s yard.


newman pics >>>> yeamabu


hahaha just karter omg too funny

hahaha nice pics man, i need to get a nice camera one of these times, im sick of not being able to have a nice zoom lens or adjusting certain things on my camera. but very nice. did you have alot of pictures come out with like hand prints and reflections? the glass was shitty when i went!

edit: looks like the weather was a lot nicer, it was misty when i went. i was just happy it didnt really rain

yeah, i just had to get creative where i took the pics from…

aww she is just your type newman… she has skulls and black glasses… i bet a twat bolt too… ooo i like twat bolts. just not fatties :frowning:

:tup: nice pics

god. i love fat chicks.

Is the Rhino really elusive if you got a pic of her? I don’t think she is going anywhere in a hurry.

Maybe elusive for the daytime as she appears to be a creature of the night.

Did you check to see if she had a driver’s license?

haha too bad my girls 130lbs.
Cute tho.
LOLOLOL@ making it rain forest .

130? What a fatass.

Elusive white rhino just murdered my life.

over 100lbs = fat

under 100 lbs = 12.

so where’s the problem?

i didnt know they finished the rain forest section already…good stuff.

and i also didn’t know that they finally finished the elephant exhibit renovation…more good stuff.

and venus fly traps are fucking awesome…i always tell myself i need to buy one of those plants every time i see one, and never do.

whats that age of consent again?

its the cave/nocturnal landatee.

Last time i was there one of the gorillas punched the glass with these little kids all leaning up against it. I almost shit brickz

nice pics man :tup: lol @ the fat bitch

Same thing happened to me along time ago. Son of a bitch jumped the ditch thing and pounded on the glass like 5 times. Funniest part was there had to be 10 little kids who witnessed it and i swear atleast 7 shit themselves. Literally.