
Old Atari game system with two joysticks and two games and a power cord.

Dont know if it works or not. It was reconditioned back in '81.

Make me an offer on it.


$10 …srs

$20 Paul and i’ll pick it up tonight

dude how bad is that ,i had one of these and remeber playin it .christ im old

happy ending from kramer

i had a happy ending once ,but i dont like chinese giraffes

Hmm… I have the 4 switch model 2600. This would look nice next to it…

re get it! or ill ad to my coleco/atari grave yard :slight_smile:

Let me see what offers I get and then well talk

I dont believe you

Youre only a year older than me. Ive never played Atari but I did play a system that my dad used to have as a kid in the '50’s or '60’s and it had to be played on a black and white tv. It had ping pong and tennis on it.

Have said controllers ever been in your rectum?

Nope. Im exit only.

that controller appears to be all entry in nature…

No, no orifices in it. Anyway it wasnt mine.

Reconditioned in '81

i would think that you could get decent money for it on ebay or somewhere like that

Werd. I sold my nintendo for like 40 bucks with all the original stuff and box. I think I might have sold my Sega for not much less than that on ebay too… I would def say Ebay.

I figured Id try a local sale first and then throw it on ebay next Sunday.

Dude you got raped. A working NES with the box is fairly rare.

How much you want for the Atari, seriously. Send me a PM.

Me too!! Your the first person I have met that has one…you got Joust or California games?