Attn: 5ltr eater/don/martha stewart wannabe

No more making wings unless you bring them to me too :finger:

it wouldn’t be a tease if i actually delivered.

hahahahha… Martha Stewart wannabe… hahahahhahahaha

He does laundry too. And… I bet he would wear a nighty for me too…


My instructor says HI


I was thinking suzy homemaker

You’re just jealous…

this thread is :greddy: than all the males(-me) posting in it!



you know you want to come join :grouphug:

My dick is bigger

Where do you find the chicken wings like that? I’ve never seen them prepped and ready for sauce or whatever like you have them.

inside the ladies restroom waste basket :kekegay:

Shop n Save

I heard that’s why he fell on the bathroom floor…he was trying on one of your nighties and got tangled up in the leather straps.

you jealous i can still fit in them? :finger:

no pics no care :tounge:

And he looks “Thexy” in them…:smiley:

That’s weak…deleting posts from E Fighting :madfawk: