ATTN: bgblockelcamino

Although I very much appriceate the work you do, the gift you left inside the engine bay after performing your work actually managed to travel from your shop, to Penn Hills, then to work in Greentree the next day. Upon leaving work I heard something fall out of my car.

When I backed up I saw this sitting there:

Missing something Jeff?

Whitey hasnt come into work yet, so I still have it.

(for the people that cant make it out, its one of his LED shop lights. He left it sitting on the subframe underneath my downpipe after putting on my exhaust :rofl:)

If only that light could talk…hahaha that thing has been to hell and back 5 times

looks to be in about the same condition as the last time I seen it :wink:


Lol I think he was looking for that this morning…

it’s actually jeff’s led dildo:greddy2:

I think i saw it in once piece last year, or I could be wrong lol.

Hes lucky it didnt drop out on 376/279. I def put like 70 some miles on my car with that thing in the engine bay




It’s famous, I saw it last time I was there.

Last night when I was working on my car I asked him where the shop light was. He calmly answered under doms car. Unreal



Im guessing your not coming to work today. It was on your desk and I WAS going to take a pic of your desk with it sitting there, but i just took it back to the NOC so it didn’t disappear.

Ballers don’t go to work… hence why teh Whitey is not there :bigthumb:

He just shows up when he wants. Lucky SOB. Half the time I dont see him, but hes usualy traveling when that happens.

he’s out scrambling to get more shit bolted on his showcar so he can keep up with the Vette.

That light has been kicked, stepped on, thrown, ran over, singed, welded at and stuck to exhaust pipes. To say it was thru hell and back is an understatement.

Heck, I’m half expecting to see this attached to my ATV ramps he’s welding up when I get them back :smiley:

:lol: i just figured it was lost lol. that light will never die. i have set cars on it from the lift. been the best light ever lol

And it will get returned tonight, so more hell can be brought on it. My coworker saw me backing up to pick it up and was like WTF when I got out of my car