ATTN:C6Z06 Callout! =-O

Anyone more then a flagger for a dig (and a cam person in each car) and a cam person in each car for a roll on is getting in the way.

Im not fucking negative repping you. I already told you that at the lot.
Im dont know who’s doing it. My guess is Brett or Pete saying its me.

I cant even leave rep more than once for one person. I found that out when I tried repping Failvis a few times.

It just seems like youre always having to race when real races are going down.

this will be a fun night.

I raced brooks once up and down lol.

And got in the way on the northway a few weeks ago

deff wanna be there for this race

Damn should be a real good race

Goood race potential here.

We’ll be at the PnR tonight…

Uh ohs

Do either of you need a passenger?

Oh, I never put 2 and 2 together and realized that the brown(?) Mustang was this one…

Its a maroon one lol, but yeah. And Tony rolled out before i made the rounds which kinda sucks, but theres always next time!

Yeah he took off early, but he got there early too. Why did EVERYONE leave when I took Cossey for a ride?!ha

Go on AIM, fucker.

Haha, we got hungry and left to get some food. I was tryin to get some people to wait for you guys but everyone got to their cars pretty quick. Gotta get up early tomorrow and sort some shit out on teh car/get it ready for this weekend(if it aint a shit show of rain)

Yeah it’s looking like rain, thats why I kinda headed it up, i wanted to meet some people b/c there is a good chance that I wont be around so much:(

we will deffinatly do it, i was not prepared last night anyway, i was out and about so i stopped in but i didnt have my d/r on. Just give me an idea when you wanna do it and ill make sure i wipe the dust off em and bolt them on for a little fun…

Ok sounds good. Maybe we’ll try for next weekend if its nice out