Trying to put something together...

My buddy keith (blue cammed/nitrous C6) just called me asking to set up some races for us within the next few weekends to record on video since the summer is over and the cars will be away soon ad we dont have any decent footage from this year yet…These will be friendly races. No shit talking, No money bets and No bragging…if your gonna be a dick about things, your not invited…this is a friendly get together to have some video taping fun and put some of the local’s fastest street cars together in a video of some sort for a end of the year Hora…planning on getting footage on the lake george cruise on the 11th.

let me know if anyone wants to be a FRIENDLY part of this.

it’s pretty much a given im always in!!!

Im down for some manly dig racing at the “normal spot” if anyone is interested ;D

nah these are the northern boys not the lot lizard,s ;D

Ya never know


haha yah true that! Digs are for lvd, i wanna spray that 1fitty shot and smile the whole time while watching the competition get smaller and smaller in my rear veiw!

p.s bikes are more than welcome to join for some nice little runs.

tony dont be a bitch everyone knows that the ext is stickier than the valley though ;D

Well watch yours pass mine at the 1000’ then ;D

like I said…we are heading north…we dont go to the lot anymore…havent been there in months.

Well i didnt see anything about going north, but ok…thats cool…

i wish my car was still on the road and running right, i just wanted to be in some videos. :sad

id come out if there was anything a little more evenly matched(slower lol) to be in some videos… id like someone that traps 114ish…

I would do a run with ya.

ill do a no spray pull

yah we discussed this last night…he doesnt plan on spraying anyone unless it will be a even match…He deff. wants to do a few pulls with you tho…it would be pretty close too.

im down… ;D

I’d go but my car is too slow.

Ill be interested in bringin the TL1000R up to run some cars from a dig and roll… let me know

-still trying to get use to launching with it…

tl1000 doesnt even have a prayer in hell against the z. But if you wanna bring it out for a run im still down.