attn: codeblue

go fuck yourself, you stole my birthday. :Idiots

happy bday moe’s

whos moe?

Happy birthday E&J



Happy birthday person who is now to good to come hang out

haha im not sure what your talking about. im just tired and busy working OT dood.

Happy birthday buddieyzzz

Happy birthday guys.

Birfffffdayyyy… YOUUUUU


Happy birthday to both. Actually F u Eman

Yea f you

happy F me day! actually can that be tomorrow?

i will wreack havic on your asses for the b-day spankins esp e-mans . his ass is like a brick i need to soften that up mmy balls hurt as they bounce off of it

blue balls off my buttz!

happy b day gayfaces!

Happy birthday guyes

yeah happy b-day you fag goats.