attn: cts-v owners in wny... [OH WELL carved into car?]

Oh well

Residential areas warrant at a maximum, the posted speed limit. I usually go 5 mph under. I would never be able to get over an accident involving me hitting a kid, considering 9/10 don’t wear helmets.

a brick through the windshield will slow him down.

Is this the same older black CTS-V that I see in Lancaster around 6:12PM most week days? Generally, there is some heavy throttle application down residential streets, or drifting around turns.

i always drive so slow through neighborhoods

srsly deebo, next time just throw something at the dude

how can you hit a kid in the car you never drive, because you are staring at the semi red tail lights?

Arch Angel, nudes?

(I know, it’s a joke)

There is a douche on my street with a victory red C6, cam/exhaust who rips up and down the street spinning the tires everytime he drives it.

He lives in a fucking apartment complex, super bitchin right there dude bro. Total gypsie. If I ever have the cobra out and I’m in front of him at a light I am going to make a custom rubber bra for the front half of that car.

It is a neighborhood, and while I want to like your car, it isn’t that fast, and I never drive my cobra like that in neighborhoods, let alone the one I live in.

I miss my home town where these motherfuckers would be pulled from there cars and beaten with a pipe. True story.

Lol, bump?

this should be an ongoing thread with a list!

he has returned. this will be an interesting summer

Oh boy lol

Why are your brothers playing in the streets at 7 or 3am? lol

“… and all during the day when there are little kids…etc” 3am and 7am were not included, that’s why i used AND instead of another comma. those specific times were not related to kids playing in the neighborhood

lol. Just dicking with you man.

i <3 dicks


just thorw something at his car or i will come over and do it for you :slight_smile: