attn: cts-v owners in wny... [OH WELL carved into car?]

Do one of you live in cheektowaga near french/union?Or banging some chick that lives there.

pretty sure it is chucks/dean’s old cts-v … or whoever owned it.


if you are on here , pm me. or post

You like dudes?

you give good beej?

Chuck’s got sold in Butler, PA. Not his old one.

Yah what about it. It’s me lol what’s the problem.

ok well if getting OH WELL carved into your car was a big deal, i would like to see how you react when i poor aircraft stripper all over your car and slash your fucking tires

OH SHIT SON! in4drama

Getting popcorn


This probably should be moved from auto so it can get good.

Moved to drama.

So you just admitted to keying his car?

Poor / pour

This has potential to be awesome.

Lolzzzz uh oh deebo has spoken


lol wat? no. i was looking at his recent threads to see if he actually had a cts-v and saw/remembered that thread. which was done by a female anyways.

Going WOT constantly down a residential street at 7am, 3am, and all during the day while there are little kids around constantly(some of which are my brothers) just because you have a siqqq car with an exhaust isnt really safe at all. And by WOT i mean winding out 1st gear and most of 2nd gear every single fucking time full throttle. which is what… 60ish mph in a 20mph zone?

i have not seen the guy, only heard his car/seen his car doing dbag shit

This wasn’t really meant for drama, it’s just pissing off everyone in the neighborhood. And i figured i would let you know before something actually does happen where there is an accident, or something to your car.
And if he’s not on here i could really careless if something does happen to your car since you’re most likely a dbag and not a car enthusiast

Is it bad that I hate you got all reasonable and feel some sympathy for your situation? I thought this was going to get good for a minute.

I know there are a couple board members that rip around my house. I’ve kept quite this summer but next season it’s open game.

Yeah i have no problems other than the street has a blind 90* corner at the end (as well as a hill that you cannot see over where kids usually are playing hockey in the street) of it where kids are constantly crossing on their bikes, buses dropping off kids etc and since shit has happened before where people have missed the turn and actually taken out cars/trees/and a brick house once lol… it isnt really unrational to think something else similar can happen, or worse. and given the times i hear the car ill assume it’s most likely after visiting a bar when it’s at night.

so if it is someone on here,stop.
It’s a black cts-v … i believe last gen, with exhaust

btw, next street over is an elementary school… even better.

HAHAHAHA funny part is i was playing. I dont have a CTS-V. Just wanted to see what the hoopla was about. Carry on lol.