It’s for me so I don’t fall on my ass when I get out of the shower. Thing is if I remove the mat, she’ll just poop/piss on the floor. But always in the bathroom.
That’s why I’m confused. I never paper trained her. Never. The only thing I tried to do was I bought those puppy pad things for them to pee and poop on (the smell attracts them or something) and put them outside, and she went to the bathroom outside on them. It’s just like, she won’t go to the door when she has to go. If she has to go and the bathroom door is open, she’s going in there… Otherwise, she’ll hold it until I let her out (which I do religiously about every 2 hours or so when I’m home, otherwise she is crated when I am not home). I’m almost of the belief that she sees my shitting in there, so she thinks its okay for her too.