attn: eviljay

why do you always forget to bring your food to work? remember that time my mom made lasagna and you forgot to bring it? newman brings you home food last night and again, you forgot to bring it

well, the jokes on you. i just ate you egg roll. sucker

edit; it was delicious

Most entertaining thread of the day.

[quote=“fairgentleman Z,post:3,topic:31251"”]




Don doesn’t let me eat at work. He just throws me a chewtoy that the dog doesn’t want anymore. Please don’t eat my rice. I am looking forward to it…it is all thats getting me through the day.

true story. I put him in his crate with a key board. I shock him with a cattle prod everytime he uses nyspeed and other non-work related things. He has since grown immune to electrical shock

Jay and Jam…

stop being giant vaginas

Jay, i even told jen to tell you to bring it.

Also, my rice is the big one. Your’s is the little guy.


Your’s is the little guy.


yours. :roll2:



i suck.

Thanks Christian :slight_smile:

its chrystian no?

is kahrishtan


jew mcjewson jewidiah the jew or jewdem jammora

