Attn: Flyinlow57...

can i please ask why there are soaking wet half naked men running around the front yard of your house???

me and the girl were on our way to go check out that bob cox house in baldwin with the shitload of xmas lights on the house. as we were coming down the bottom of the road we noticed someone in the street run up to a house appearing to be soaking wet and was half naked…:nuts:
girlfriend said the person seemed to be “mooning” us…

is this your doing? :bowrofl:

absolutely yess. that was BIG WES… out of all people it had to be someone we knew. there seriosly was half naked girls in the hot tub… thanks holty… but you only say the one dare where the naked guy mooned someone.

me and hot girl. aweee yah. got fone number. fo shizzle. oh yeah go alcahol.

:rofl: wtf… why couldnt you have had one of the girls come out front half naked then?

they did about 2 minutes before that and about 50 seconds after. got pics put them up after work. :blue: not half naked though cause camera and hot tub dont mix. :itr41:

this should on be a PM!

Nah. It’s kind of a public service announcement. We really should know what guys have naked men running around there house.

But it hold have started with that sound they use on TV when there’s a tornado warning.



U like posting baout naked men don’t u