Are you the “new ****in haircut” guy?
Are you talking about “My new Haircut?”
Yeah. I’d post a link, but I’m on my blackberry.
[ame=“”]YouTube - My New Haircut[/ame]
“Not now cheif, I’m in the ****in’ zone.”
That was not even funny
I couldn’t take anymore than 1:40 of that s h i t.
It was funny the first maybe 3 times I saw it…
yeah like 2 years ago
F’ing skanks.
I am the ultimate broski

ever see the asian version? haha
ahhh hahah
you missed the boat… that is old and played out. that was popular months ago. Just stay in your little utopia you live in making 100g’s delivering pizza salads and wings
and no… I don’t drink yeager bombs, f.u.ckin skank
I know it’s old, but I didn’t know who the **** you were when I first saw that. Were you on this forum when that was fresh?
And it’s more like 70k, but you can exaggerate it for me all you like.
You really make $70K a year delivering pizza?