attn gearhead...

why did you leave this comment on my myspace?

hiya sweetie! ready for this weekend?! i know i ammmmm. better be ready, cuz we’re leaving at 10am friday morning, so don’t forget, k??

oooh, i almost forgot to tell yah. remember that stuff that ashley bought to help her lose weight… i think it was called hoodia or something? girl, have you seen her lately?? whoa. i ordered some from the same place she got hers from, and i got mine like almost 10 days ago, and i lost 4lbs already… i’m so excited about this. freakin finally! you seriously have to order some, too. we got it from this website here, just click and order it. you’ll see!!

anyway, DON’T BE LATE! i know you always are, but get up an hour early or something. we have to leave on time. cya then!!!

also are we still on for trading that 3sgte parts for that safc ill have everything this weekend

he left it on mine too…3some! LOL
but seriously dan, you should know by know that myspace is filled with hackers and shit that send that stuff to your page.



and ew @ ranch.



mmmmmmmmmmmmm ranch with steak!

mmm ranch is the best

I still prefer Unkle Dans Ranch!!!

lol somebodies myspace got phised…change your password and stop lookin at so many porn sites

ya, hacked. i was downloading pron by the gig buddy

Its amazing how i get calls, texts, messages and pm’s about it… i swear like 100 people contacted me. :nuts:

i didnt contact u about it. tho i was prolly at the bar and all hammered up and got all excited about it when i saw it. oh man. i should not be allowed near a computer right now.