Attn: Mankthetank19

You fail.

You fail.

we fail.

You fail.

You fail.


If anybody is willing to make me a decent signature, I would appreciate it!

I don’t know if this picture could be used.


Maybe you should try using a picture that doesn’t include your car.

It could, just have to photoshop out the car.

EDIT: Brent beat me to it.

But guys, he’s highly successful just drives that car because he likes it.

that’s my excuse for having shitty cars too.

You have the stupidest car I have ever seen. It’s rare that I feel compelled to jump in and hate on someones taste, but yours is just unacceptable. I’m sure I’ll get a warning or some crap for hating unnecessarily, but I feel it necessary to let you know that your car is a mistake.

That may be true… but after that horrible taste leaves your mouth from the first impression, you can’t help but smile a little… I mean, honestly, it’s a car that smiles, like a cartoon. a CARtoon! hah!

who fails?

As much as I think that car is ridiculous. You really have to hand it to this guy. He takes the criticism well. :tup:

For an example of how NOT to take criticism, see: Mordak.

Your car looks like Pimp my Ride, Chris Brown edition.

you fail, fggt. christ people jump to conclusions too fast around here. dick.

/\ hmmmmmmmm

he has a puppy car :mamoru: