ATTN: Need 240/180SX tension rod asap

I need a passenger side tension rod.
If anyone has a clip they need to get rid of I’ll get rid of it for free if I can keep the passenger side tension rod, or if you have one for sale let me know.

they are the same as a usdm s13

thanks man

aaaaaaaand edit

sorry, kinda not related.
but i also need tension rods for both sides…and it is recommended to replace both. ALSO, you can just buy the bushings for it from whiteline or energy. used ones will have those hairline cracks which will fudge up on you. you probably know all this yeah…thanks for your time :slight_smile:

and oh yeah, i nkow a place that will press them in for cheap (asian)

Hey Ty, I have a set of LCAs with good balljoints (one’s missing a boot), and tension rods with good bushings I was going to use. If you can’t find anything else, I’ll sell you both mine for $100

are the s14 tension rods interchangable to s13s?