Da fuck have you been?
I’m sure I don’t know what you mean.
Perhaps she got a life! gasp “The Horror!”
step off punk
I personally missed N!cole
me too… with every bullet so far. :shifty
Thats funny…LOLOLOL
I see her all the time…like at lunch today…
Nico!e’s Fan Club? :ponder
I have no good excuse as to where I’ve been, or a reason why today I decided to come back.
she missed me.
:rofl :facepalm
Well … regardless welcome back…
okay good talk, nicole.
Thanks for noticing Kramer. :hug
oh hai
or more like the reason she ran away
jvg… dont u have a new wife u should be fuckin or something rather than running ur mouth?
N!cole it’s ok if you want to tell them about us. I’ll understand. Actually I’ll say it.
She has been making me sammiches in my kitchen for me everyday for a couple months now. However a couple weeks ago she did not put mayo on both slices of toasted white bread. I scolded her by removing the internet from the kitchen. She has recently redeemed herself by agreeing to feed me breakfast in bed for the next 2.5 years, everyday.
I miss u too!
Ive been hanging around your neighborhood like over a month and I STILL havent seen u!
This must change!