Attn: Nicole, Tricia, other Shift518 women..

hahaha + 1

im down with baking pies before i get under a car, idk how good the pie is gonna come out, but who cares i aint eating it

Listen Im a talented women…Ill preheat the oven…undo the plug…while the oil is draining ill make the pie…while the pie is cooking ill change the filter and fill up the oil…then by the time i come back in the pie will be ready…I take cash or check

I love you


you sold me, be at my house in 20 minutes. extra $$ for happy ending??

Damn, you’ve got this all figured out, haven’t you :rofl

I’ll even let you sleep in my bed, at the foot of course.

they call me worms

cuz i got worms in my head

You better mean ice cream lol

Ive done it before…well with dinner not with pie…but same thing

Oh thats just messed up lol

pshh, she sleeps on my extra fold out couch

yea with rambo attacking me…rambo get down…rambo stop biting…rambo you freak…hahahahaha

lmfao that shit is hilarious

yeah sure if you’re into that kind of thing :crazy

:rofl @ continuing Benny funnies.

lol your too much…i rather bring in some oil with me, little less cold lol

i do love a good foot rub as well.

hahaha well seeing that I have to sleep at the foot of the bed it will work out perfect lmao!!!

do a good enough job and I may get you a vacuum for valentine’s day
