Attn: Nicole, Tricia, other Shift518 women..

Benny flirting with female member Pt. II??

For those who missed Pt. I, Benny > Nicole…:redspotdance:

ya ahaha this is def pt II of benny internet flirting LOL


just laying ground rules son :cool:


LMAO!!! this is flirting??? oh boy Benny you need to do better then that

damn, she didn’t take the bait, such a classy way to do it too, on a local car forum and all.

oh well, looks like I’ll have to find some other woman to fulfill her duties in my life.

yea at least do it on myspace next time hahaha its waaayyy classier lol

Hi Lindsey.

i prefer aim, it’s a bit more personal and less chances of you meeting all of the other women I woo the pants off of.

whats up homo? lol btw its LindsAY

oh my bad…yea i wouldnt want us finding out about each other, then there would be a cat fight over you, maybe some jello and baby oil, it would just be bad lmao

good god where did you come from and are there more of you

Where’s my god damn sandwich???

over there.

jesus christ

you always were a good girlfriend.



I know. :stuck_out_tongue:
