Attn: Nicole, Tricia, other Shift518 women..

hahaha well I dont know what the rumors are but Ive never been with someone younger then me lol…oh wait I lied my last ex was like 5 months younger, but other then that everyone has been older so i dunno lol…and I’m only 24, dont make me feel older then I already do…but the way you made your comment seems like you are the one that likes the youngins lol

I blame it on the sexy motherfucker in my sig

idk…you seemed a little eager to use that jailbait smiley earlier…

That or the rainbow fenders rofl

lol cuz I think its funny…and I always make fun of him for being young so :blbl:

Benny get in the fucking kitchen you women

hey you dont have to defend yourself to me, if there’s grass on the field play ball :open_mouth:

ew thats just wrong lol your the pervert jk

ok Ill have my people get a hold of your people so us people can do what people do with the stash :redspotdance:

Attention Ladies : Please read below lol

^^ How to get your man to do housework, and LIKE IT :satan:

That website is the DEVIL :ohnoes:ohnoes:ohnoes

Now that poster’s got class. It’s even b&w.

wheres the pic of the man being born by a WOMAN :blbl: LOL

ill post it when your i-vtec beats my i-boost. :open_mouth:

hehehehe ur on

thats gonna be brutal