ATTN: Pete

please explain to us all what is going on here?

HAHA. Thats intense!

I like the hair piece.

i cant take all the credit, u supplied the finger to push the shutter button to take such awesome pics!

It was a group effort for sure.

Update…I am still LOLing!

what more could Pete want? hes got his meat in hand, a cup of hell juice to get his crunk on, and hes in a boy band. pure bliss!

awesome pics dood!!! :lmao

I think these pics are fake! I heard pete likes dark meat


oh wow. i’m LOLlering right now.

i like ur new hair man.

ahhhhhh damn it! i should have put a hand gun in that kids hand! damn it all to hell!

Lmao yes finally some paint action

Pete is about to NOM NOM NOM on some PENOR!

Lmao moar mspaint renderings of petes gayness

I like Hatfield’s Hitler 'stash…

ahhhhhh NOM NOM NOM!!!

thats all i can think about when i see the first pic. haha

Emanuels paint skills are far more developed then mine. I am jealous


good work