attn: sean penn

and you are?

you peaked with dazed and confused…its over pal

do you regularly save people with a filming crew following you?

why are you mad again? and you make how much and you gave only a million?



pacman form colors!!!

his next movie is supposed to be awsome…hes a bookie or something like that

personal photographer :greddy:

/ Shelby Thread

i think it’s because all these people are now up in arms about new orleans and want to go down there and ‘help’ … but i’m sure, as always, there are alternative motives…

it’s funny how these people blame bush for the delayed help, yet it’s a week later and they are finally getting down there themselves or finally donating.

My cock hurts

just whoring through :sadwavey:

this is almost as bad as one of my threads

thats what i said!!

If the biggest woman on the face of the earth had a douche bag it would be you.


cutty sucks