Attn Seattle people...

My brothers 21st is on monday and I cant make it out. He really hasnt met any friends since he has been out there and I dont want him trolling the bars alone. He doesnt need to get shit faced plastered, but is anyone able to just be a wing man or something?

pm me.


doesnt need to get shit faced plasterd on his 21st? isnt that the whole point of your 21st birthday

i dont think that would be good for him. idk. it sounds sad but he really just needs a friend. he works with all old people at some air plane repair shop…

Dude if he is not going to get shitfaced he is not my type of guy to chill with. Anyhow what are you looking for next weekend? Is he into music? I typically go see a good local band or something then rage face.

lol, I never said he wouldnt or doesnt want to. I am just not saying take him out and give him alcohol poisoning ya know.

Dude if he gets alcohol poisoning he is the suck. Is he slow or something? lol so wtf are you wanting, me to take him out next weekend? Or on Monday?

take him to the base and feed him a bunch of everclear and then let him shoot things. That always ends well.

alright today is the day, is anyone avail tonight?
