Attn: Shaggy

I was reading this on the internet, and it got me worried about you. Read this.

You know… that shit’s even sicker when you see it for real. It’s even sicker when it’s a friend. But that dumbass should of put the coke in his face and left the pins for the H. Doin coke intraveinously takes too many repeat usages to maintain the high. Maybe he no longer had a septum though. Or maybe he shoulda just banged meth instead.

I was more using it as a comedic reference, because they were trying to say that if you try pot, that it what you will end up like. And the Sheriff’s name is also Mearl J Justus. :rofl:

:rofl: he got what he deserves, Cocaine is over rated :kekegay:
i’ll stick w/ :shaggy:

and overpriced…

x2. I quit that habit and bought a brand new car with the $$ I used to put up my nose. It’s a great weight loss mechanism though.

look at blanyer :kekegay: :kiss:
