Attn. SonofaBish

get your kubota fueled up and let’s run em’ mine has 25hp stock , i added 2 pittspeed stickers so i should be around 50hp now.

come cut my yard

when? mine will need cut this week too. that is why i pulled it out and got it ready to go.

when ever

You don’t want any of that Bish…although I can try to scrounge up a GReddy sticker, that’s about 100 HP and 0 ft-lb of torque, right?

thats a clean mower… must be a GARAGE QUEEN

country clipper greater that all!

is tommorow ok?

Saturday… Noon… my place… be there!


i’ll run you over… my rear tires are taller than your entire “race machine”…

And i have AWD… i’ll blow you off the map … LOL

mines faster. you have to catch me to run me over. :eek4dance

i dunno… i got a top speed of 176 …

divided by 14, times 3, to the .72705 power

come cut my yard


what ya payin?

Lawn Drags
sound like we have a race :hsdance:

im in for a lawn drag!!!

you’re excluded, those commercial mowers are to fast!

god damn!!! not fair!!! please…i bring one of the slower ones!!!

my yards big,u could do laps!