
anyone know him or have a aim screen name for him…my cousin is buying something off him and i sent a pm a while ago…let him know if anyone talks to him

I dont know him, but I know where he lives.:smiley:


was on earlyer:D

i got this from someone on aim

hey. i only have a sec on AIM, but someone got really fucked by tsibribri on PittRacing

not a clue:confused:

Originally posted by VictorSmalls
not a clue:confused:
scoooooooooooby dooo does!!!:smiley:

he’s in a lot of shit from what i hear, layin low.

Originally posted by slowcamaro
anyone know him or have a aim screen name for him…my cousin is buying something off him and i sent a pm a while ago…let him know if anyone talks to him

sorry it never shows when i got new messages on here but i no longer have the visor i sold it to my neighbor! sorry