Attn: Zexaccord

whupped the shit out of an Impulse today. I saw his “Suspension by Lotus” sticker on the back at a stoplight and asked him about it. He must have thought I was being cocky (dont know how he got that idea :rofl: ) so he jumped me off the line. I promptly caught him and put at least 2 cars on him. He had at least an exhaust. :kekegay:

:rofl: Lotus FTW

oh you know this son. there was mad lotus tuning goin on in that pimp ass ride.

only faggots edit their posts mid thread.

oh noe. I see ShalerPunk in this thread. He must have smelled a thread about a shitty undepowered lightweight little potential having rustbucket AND CAME A RUNNIN!

way to go!

you walked a geo storm!

that’s like beating up Terri Schivo.

(but an Impulse RS would have schooled you.)

hahhahhaha terri shivohoe couldnt tear up a piss bag as much as darkstars maxima vs impulse

im pretty sure it was an RS

p.s. good job working in the Schiavo reference.

RS = turbo + AWD. less than 1200 were made between 91 + 92. i missed an oppertunity to have one for $800 a couple years ago because I couldn’t come up with the cash… fucking mall job…

i try.
