Audi 3.0 coilpacks

part number 06C-905-115-L

Spec’ed for audi 3.0 v6. IIRC they’ll work with 1.8T, 2.7T, etc but don’t Quote me on it. I’m sure others here can confirm/deny. They’re slightly used, maybe 10K miles on them.

Kept them as working spares here for diag on customers cars but I really have no use for them anymore and figured one of you four rings owners would. I have four of them.

$5 each?

look like this :

1.8t yes(AWW/AWP/AWD/ATW). 2.7t still uses dumb coils. as do the AEB 1.8ts.(3wire vs 4)

+1 for clarification :slight_smile: