Audi A9

I want…

haha horrible

Wow it’s so futuristic looking!

looks like someone ingested an abortion and then puked it up

ewww whoever designed that was on some heavy stuff

looks like a retard with an underbite.

I’d love to smack whoever came up with that design.


i’ll take one of these plz.

Whats with the front bumper? Audis are known for smooth lines and beautiful curves not angles. is this just a concept or is this the floor model?

I don’t think that’s even real.

LoL @ the people who think thats a real Audi!

X2, someone just put a horrible body kit on an A6 and flipped the 6 upside down to read A9.

FWIW The Dutch text translates into a big joke.


Go put Quazimoto back up in his tower.