Audi / VW porn only!

Videos OR Pictures of insane Audi / VW shit. i know its tough here but try and stay on topic!

Group B Audi rally

More Group B

Yup More.

dahlback golf



Yeah I go QQ in the corner now. :cry: :lol

like the color… but not on this. maybe on an s4 or something

of course you do; you’re a female.

has nothing to do with that

^kinda does. any guy driving that would either be ghey or the creator of Pepto Bismol :gay

but yea, I <3 gruupeB!

Female on shift? WTF?


I thought we were He-Man Women Hater No Ma’am up in here?

but im an exception cuz im hot… and i like cars AAAND i can talk shit :slight_smile:


u mad?

lol no. Your statement made me lol.

see, thats what im here for :*

I would make some type of sexual joke or innuendo which would honestly be harmless and in good fun. But my luck, my woman would just randomly decide to pull up shift on the home computer and see my comment and believe I was creeping, which in turn would land me on the couch or homeless. So I will just leave it at that.