AWESOME civic for sale!

Great read, not only can this person not speak English but they also created the ugliest car this world has ever seen. While asking the most ridiculous price for it considering it has no title and is basically a useless pile of shit. What a huge fail hahaha

Sold…I couldn’t resist the idea of someone getting it out from under me…

I remember this gem from the “best of Craigslist” thread we had. Looks like shes back up for sale lol.

That airbrushed ocean landscape is so calming and peaceful :bowdown::bowdown:

Is anyone really surprised, seems par for the course for most “modified” Hondas’.

I hope someone burned the title for this car and that is the reason it is missing…

hmm im suprised a car liek this is coing out of north collins…usually they are pretty heavy into their shitty trucks

I think $450 would be too much for this car.

Someone start a text with him asking dumb questions.

Gotta love the spray paint interior plastics…

Hahahahaha seriously

It really is, seriously he said he isnt willing to part it either LOL, then what the fuck you plan on doing with a car with no title?

Sign me up for that!

Swap vins on the dash for a legit title, future plans

I sold a Gsr engine for $600 a while back. That’s about all this thing is worth lol. What a pos