Awesome Commercial

That’s awesome! 300ZX the pimp ride to pimp on girls! oh wait… angelica your already a girl. Converting to lez anytime? hahaha

but I like that “Enjoy the ride” :smiley:

lol hey ive gotten enuff attention from guys with this car(mostly in the summer)…tryin to pick me up…even while i was driving

whats that hideous car that the puppet was driving? jk.

ROFL! I can imagine… Girls + sports cars = sexy

haha sweet.
i remeber seeing that commercial along time ago.

lol too bad i was with my ex bf at the time cuz one of the guys was daammnnn sexy…i was actually on my way to my exs house haha…and some friends of mine who were friends with him apparently saw this and they tried catching up to me…haha