Does that have something similar to the “axe effect” but only on Asian girls? :rofl
if it did, id buy ALL his soap then!:excited
Well that’s no fun, it’ll just look like a misshapen blob once you wash with them - but Nintendo controller soap exfoliates!
Oh, my young padawan, you lack experience. carefully LOOK and THINK hard about what the nintendo wii controller can do for you:thumbup
You can’t put soap up there! Whaddaya crazy!? :ohnoes
Without going into too much girly detail… let’s just say it’s bad for the environment.
oh, i getcha. hell i dont know, i dont own one of those, so i figured, soap’s cool. but upon retrospect base + acid, no so kool. you’re right.
The fuck is going on here
at benny’s post
da fuck
Please shove that remote up your ass like the freakout kid :lol
2 star thread. will most likely not read again.
i would end up putting it in my ass and losing it.
:facepalm :facepalm :facepalm