Awesome time waster flash game

Kills 1924
Acc 67%
Level 26

Kills 2029
shots 6952
hits 5788
acc 83%
Lvl 26

my eyes started watering like hell at like level 20 and i had to stop…

Level: 30
Kills: 2434
Shots: 6733
Hits: 9462
Accuracy 141% (Wtf, Blast/tripple shot calculation bug I assume?)

do NOT buy the shotgun…

what difficulty are we all playing on?

Good question, I chose boring because I’m I live my life one nap at a time when I’m not post-whoring my body here like the cheap slut I am.

Normal diff.

Well looks like I have some more playing to do then.

not so easy with a touchpad

i did normal as well. levl 26 gets retarded

kills 1977
shots 9241
hits 5843
accuracy 63%
died at lvl 27 the final weapon kind of kills itself because half of its bullets dissapear because there is to many bullets on the screen at once. oh well. i played normal.

kills 2096
shots 7836
hits 6625
accuracy 85%

what song is that in this game? i like it a lot.

werd, its the suck

I wonder if I could play this on the wii. Hmm… maybe later once I’m done wasting half a tank of gas.

new score


kills 2256
shots 10100
hits 7634
accuracy 76%
level 29