B20 bottom end

Looking for a B20 bottom end. My only real requirements is that is comes with a good crank and the deck isn’t all beat to shit. In other words if it has spun a bearing, I really don’t even want to see it. Cylinder walls not in need of an overbore is a plus but not a complete deal breaker, I’ll just offer less money because machine work is expensive. I’m interested in anything from the full shortblock to just a bare block with crank so post up whatcha got and what you’d like to get for it. I have cash in hand as always and what I’m willing to pay will be directly in line with the condition of the parts

Well I have a mint LS crank if you find just the block. I also have a Mint LS block, just a thought

may have interest in the crank if I can pick up a block for sure.


Bump for .2 liters more than I got right now!

I may have found a good one on Honda tech

bump, looking again. Bare/shortblock/crank only/whatever. Plan on going to 84.5 bore so light scratching on walls is ok too.

There was a full B20 at M&M you pull it, the last time I was there. Still in the CRV. But I also have a complete LS if you dont find a B20.

I can get this one for a lot cheaper…
