A few of you here already know but since I’m sharing the news I thought I’d let the pittspeed family know as well. I’m 15 weeks pregnant with my first child, and it’s a boy Little future boy racer on board
:steelers::steelers::steelers: We’re really excited, and Doug is especially proud that there’s a stem on the cherry
I’m doing good, didn’t have any morning sickness or anything, just the usual pregnancy stuff…Due January 3rd, 2010…joining the ranks of the “parent” crowd soon…
now’s a good time to look into jr. dragsters!
congrats …must be somethin’ in the water around here.
congradulations! you’ll love it.
Congrats. Just had our first daughter last Thursday.
congrats its the best my lil eva was born last friday!!
CONGRATS! im a few weeks behind you! 13 weeks and due jan 14th. i still dont know the sex though.
Congrats to all the pregos!!!
congrats to the pregos and new parents, having kids is the greatest.
Thanks everyone and wow, Congrats to the new parents and to Laura! There really MUST be something in the water!!!
congrats to all. It’s fun having kiddies
shhhh hush your mouth about the water thats how half of Pittspeed gets laid.
But Congrats!!!
Jesus Juice?
its alllll in the hips