Bad monitor?

So i come out this morning and get on my computer right and the fucking screen is yellowish green… guessing the monitor is going bad huh?

CRT I’m guessing?

Sounds like it… CRT’s are dirt cheap though.

pricing lcds from sony… can g et some pretty good deals if you get refurbs

I have a 17" Dell LCD at work, with a sound bar, I love it.

19" from sony under 370…

I got mine free w/ purchase of a Dimension 3000… :kekegay: The computer went out with an instrument, I stole the monitor.

I have a free stack of 14"-15" CRTs if you need a temporary replacement.

Can;t General G get good deals on sony stuff :dunno:

well that sucks. last time my broke was the 1st day i got my computer i fliped on gateway and got some free stuff. but that sucks yours is going.

take the big magnet away from the screen and everything will be fine. :smiley:

seriously, I know 3 people who thought they had bad monitors when they had non shielded speakers right next to the screen :doh:

ps. don’t get a samsumg 19" lcd. we got them here at work. out of 14 we ordered 3 were doa, and 1 more quit 2 weeks after turning it on. :weak:

prolly from people dropping them