bad v-day card

Oh. My. God.

love it.

hrmm… bad drawing though, i didn’t get it at first…

horrible :slight_smile:

the pic isnt coming up :frowning:

I had to refresh a couple times
Here we go

Fucking horrible

i chuckle at how offensive it is.

i feel guilty for laughing. ugh. man thats baaadd

Holy shit, I feel so bad. Yet I can’t stop laughing.

thats retarded. whoever made that should be gutted like a fish.

thats fucked up

the “i could never love you, your 1/16th jew” one is damn funny …

love it.

yes that one was funny

thats messed up

OMG thats effin hysterical! (and i know people who died there.)

that’s messed up …

yeah i always look for the first post to be offended by stuff like this! hahahahaha

its not even funny though.

yeah its really not funny at all