Badass content ITT: Definition of badass BMW 5 series/them be fighting words!!!

i think the thing was so sick… seeing it in person i think made a huge difference from the pics. all the welds and chop were left exposed and it just had a presence looking at it that was pure sinister

I don’t know if you guys red my post but before this recent transformation the car would have been worth $144.99 in parts, it has been totaled at least once (I think two or three times) and was beat to shit. If anything, this is a resurrection, not a hack-job.

And no, I’m not riding this guy’s dick, just “defending” a pretty cool car a bit.

I got what you were saying…Like I said…It looks like a redneck hack job…Didnt say it was…Im sure all the fab work and shit is legit…Im judging this all on the photos posted…I wasnt there to see it in person…I just dont get some of the new trendy shit people seem to love

holy fuck, i love what rusty has turned into, mike is killing it.

worth more than numba1scrappa’s 1000 offer for the entire car :Idiots

wonder what those wheels would go for, 2-3K maybe??

pshh i have not a clue, the rears were about 12’’ wide, 24k gold plated. a set of 15x7 on ebay are going for 900 so i can only imangine that 2-3k+ is reasonable

Suicide rear doors would’ve been killer, as well as a ratty steering wheel and some steel door panels.

I’d pay more for that than for your cheesed up E39. The 24K gold Ronal wheels on there are probably worth more than half your BMW.

And, you’d buy it as a joke, but really that thing would snap more necks than most cars out there.

Yeah, in person the thing is just unreal. It’s just badass.

Probably more than that. 24K gold 20" wheels… The rears were probably 11" wide

Those are 20’s?!? damn, they dont even look that big! Hard to tell how wide they are from the pic, pretty badass

idk prlly stupid but from what you can see in the pic the rims were wide as fuckkkk

ur stoopid

i know im SO dumb:retardclap, just trying to help, these rims were serious tho. not lies

attn numba1scrappa

Definitely outdid “rabbit kid’s” new attempt at getting the most attention. Car was ridiculous

What was “rabbit kid’s”??

the slammed bmw with ridiculous exhaust and japanese cartoons on the side

oh yeah, aside from looking badass throwing sparks at night…that thing sucked


Thats what im talkin about! I’d want a mid 90’s beetle though with those rims and a vr6 swap pref turbo’d