Badass content ITT: Definition of badass BMW 5 series/them be fighting words!!!

:rofl not really, I just didn’t think it was worth my time

:lmao I guess so!

I don’t really care. I said you don’t know me, have never met me, so don’t call me by my name like you do.
If jdaniels feels that much better that his big fat motherfuckin goofy self is that badass to hurt someone of my size, he’s probably the coolest guys in the area.

Keep going, personal insults are awesome and I really enjoy them. Keep showing off for your forum buddies! You are so fuckin’ tough! I swear you wouldn’t say shit if we were car-fagging somewhere, but we’ll see this coming year.

It’s in your hands now, end it how you want. Stop talking shit, or come find me and say it to my face.

nahhh, ain’t tryin to fight nobody, just wasting time on a car forum

epic placement

I am just kidding, man. :lol

Here’s a GIF representation of how this thread has went.

I will kill everyone

dam who brought the band aids

oh damn im gonna get beat up. :lol

i remember when i was 20 and stupid, i used to try to fight everyone too, then as you get older you realize that punk kids are just that. a bunch of punks.

so keep it up and youll continue to get trolled, get more roid rage and smash more things because you want to beat me up so bad. meanwhile ill continue to laugh at you.

'sall good playboy, no harm done

I found! Numba1scaper…

lmfao :gay

uhh… i dont get it.

thats a scraper bike.

your name is numba1scraper isnt it?

2 p’s bro

Scrappy doo?

Scrapper, like a fighter me thinks KKKKKKK BRAH

Scrapper Blackwell?

:banghead twas a joke… poor one at that ill agree.

Numba2scrapper, and Numba3scrapper, and Numba4scrapper, and Numba5scrapper, and Numba6scrapper, and Numba7scrapper, and Numba8scrapper, and Numba9scrapper, and Numba10scrapper, and Numba11scrapper, and Numba12scrapper, and Numba13scrapper, and Numba14scrapper, and Numba15scrapper, and Numba16scrapper, and Numba17scrapper, and Numba18scrapper, and Numba19scrapper, and Numba20scrapper, and Numba21scrapper, and Numba22scrapper, and Numba23scrapper, and Numba24scrapper, and Numba25scrapper, and Numba26scrapper, and Numba27scrapper, and Numba28scrapper, and Numba29scrapper, and Numba30scrapper, and Numba31scrapper, and Numba32scrapper, and Numba33scrapper, and Numba34scrapper.