banner images take a look..

ok ill post up in this thread the ones ive done… im not good with photoshop but hey i try lol… if you can make a banner go for it and post it here…!! banner size is width 958x140… post them here… my fonts suck but ill do my best!

as i make them ill put a number in this thread and you guys can let me know what one. also if you think of a nice font i can add put the name of the font and ill add it…



Commin Soon

ok i suck at photoshop not one of my skills haha… if anyone can do better pleseeeeeeeee make one and post it here.!! thanx

ill be takin my cam to the meet lets see if i can get any decent pics. a group shots or somthing would be cooll… :slight_smile:

Sweet! My car made it! Hahaha

I really like #1, but then it’s not 100% Nissan. #2 is pretty cool too, but then, I’m sure Nissan has a more variety of cars than just R32’s. #3 looks like it’s been stretched to hell. #4 sucks!!! cuz it’s SAMSON’s car :rolleyes: . #5 sucks too cuz it’s Jason’s car! hahahahhaa jks, it’s not bad, but seems like the center of attention is the volks rims haha.

I think waiting for Nov. 8th meet would be the best since there’s plenty of people and a group shot would be nice, we could just line up in a semi-circle facing the camera with parking lights on and then take the picture at a paranorma view :R

yah for sure… plus i got a new camera hp takes awsome pics like photoshop built into a camera haha its awsome so yeh ill wait till the meeting and take alot of pics then ill post them and we can deside :slight_smile:

Sounds good, or you could have a few banners then change them monthly so we have something new and fresh everytime.

yah that sounds like a good idea.

skyline tails shot is impressive, gets my nod of approval for sure! And since the banner will be rotated, i don’t think it’s a problem of too many skylines haha.

I actually like #2 and #3 the best, that’s an awesome angle to catch the drifting Z :wink:

ugh well im doin my best lol… ill rotate banners and post some up if u got them or can make them make my life easier

ah, i thought it was one of those banners that show a different image at random, not someone physically changing the banner all the time :stuck_out_tongue:

the one of my cars is pretty nice…but i like the current skyline one…did you try making one of my engine shot (with focus on “rb26”)?..that one would like nice also…
