Basic/small camera bag

Looking for a basic bag to protect a DSLR. Simple = good. Borrowing a camera and want to make sure it’s safe. Used, worn, all okay. Just starting and taking a class at CEPA this semester.

Zac.Amigone@ gmail dot com

I’m not actually selling this bag since I currently use it, but a cheap solution for a beginner.

i think i have one. in fact, im sure i have one. just need to find it. prob looking for $10. ill send some pics when i get home/if i remember.
i also took a class at CEPA. it was fun. i think Joel was the guy who was teaching it.

Lauren is teaching me. Let me know if you find it.

Dan, it’s a Nikon D100, so it’s not exactly small, not sure it’d fit in that.