Battlestar Galactica Fans?

anybody here watch Battlestar? I can’t possibly be the only geek here.

crazy episode last week…cant wait to see what the “offering of peace at a great cost” is on friday…

Been watching since the Mini-series/movie last year. Best series on TV right now :tup:

  1. 24
  2. Prison Break
  3. Galactica


I’m a huge nerd. I’m watching SciFi from 8 til 11 every Friday night :smiley:

I’ve been surprised with every episode of Galactica. Its one of the rare shows where I can say I’ve found every new episode to be better than the last. Can’t wait for this Friday!

battlestar gallactica
stargate atlantis



i just got into the show 2 weeks ago - watched every episode and I can’t wait to see how the season ends.

grace park = :tup:

Is this the show that was on in the eighties where the robots would say…

“This is a Cylon attack” (Said in robot voice)

:word: 2 weeks ago for me also … it is pretty good 90 minute finale this friday