BBQ and etc

oh wow… there is alot of story here!

He left pittspeed a good bit, I will go from memory here.

  1. He got mad at me, started telling everyone that I was getting all kinds of money from pittspeed. I think this was a cause of departure a few times. My dad bought me my first good cam for my college graduation. It was then said that I took all the pittspeed money and bought it. He was one of the people starting this rumour.
  2. He did not like the way pittspeed was going. Because I was encouraging new members and site sponsors. So he decided to start Street N Strip.
  3. He would constantly start fights with other board members, people really complained about his posting. People were even getting turned off on taking there car to JJ’s because of his attitude.
  4. I banned him the last time because of his attitude again. He continued to run his mouth to people about me. Saying I was using Jeff from First Try. Telling everyone that I never did work on my car. Just pointless BS, probably did not have the best reason for banning him. But it just got rid of his banter.

Sam is a great guy, and helped me out tremendously when pittspeed first started. Hell be bought the first stickers for pittspeed. He just has that split personality when he gets on the internet. Usually negative about everything, and then gets pissed off and goes nuts on the board.

Sam did help plan 2 of the BBQ’s out of the 4 that we had. Those were good BBQ’s. Lots of people helped those years, not just Sam. Jeff, Dick Starbucks, Leslie, Brian, Don and a few others made those a success.