Yeah, I’m still waiting… LOL

goddamnit I hate being the camera car. :frowning:

lol nice pics

no love paulo?

ill try and get some tonite, i have like 4 shoots worth of pix i need to edit, a movie i have to make, and THIS SHIT, jk. ill have more soon -

looking forward to some video’s as well…

Not gonna lie… But this was pretty poor execution of the pictures… edits or not it kind of takes away from the event to be seeing pictures 3 weeks later

lol STFU! do you even know how to edit photos? micah’s and paulo’s pics sure are coming out way better than the ones you’re posting

edit: nevermind, paulo just called me a fag, so hate on his all you want :tup:

edit2: paulo apologized, so F U dan!

you little slut. You have time to go through and edit 300 pictures while working 2 jobs, attending night class, and fixing cavaliers?

No more sig pics for you!

hahaha. <3

HEY! I FIXED THE DAMN CAVALIER TOO!! or did an impressive job with my hands in my pockets

I have 2 jobs, just no camera :frowning:

i will def remember this post.


LOL, you guys are making it seem like a direct shot at you guys.

Heaven forbid someone gives a little criticism.
2002 BMW M3
picture credits: Paulo

Oh boy…No more pics of a certin E46 M3 ? lol

Well can’t really say much when I would be a paying customer when my parts come in.

I’ll just buy my own camera now and learn to take pics

ctrl + V

lol thats the spirit, as for me I will continue to not bad mouth our photgraphers cause there pics are Siqqqqqq…and Im jelous

Its not like I am saying their pictures suck… they look great…


ILC u know im jus bein silly

Any chance of more pics :D?