Obamacares Fate, Votes in Today

You may have a point…
Please understand that your stances are often leaning toward progressiveness and big government, social welfare and equality. While that all sounds nice, we can’t haveit both ways. Capitalism does not play well with social equality and the movement that lends itself toward rewarding non-performers with the pockets of performers.

I do not believe in trophies for the losing team… nor do I think its fair for so many to ride the backs of hard working Americans.

I do not like that 15 million more people became eligable for foodstamps since Obama changed the guidelines. I think regulation and big government hinder the economy and employment. I think that freedom to make choices is paramont, as this country is the last bashton for that, and its being taken by the left.

I do not think the average American is capable of putting country before self, and I think they should, for the future generations. Too many people think about themselves first.

I could go on with evidence that would make you think… if i thought you had an open mind… but we both have our beliefs and admittedly would argue each point… so frankly, I dont think we could be constructive.

In the end, from the things you say, I can say, I feel you represent most of what I hate with regards to the issues I mentioned above, mainly because I just dont think you “get it” from an information an experience standpoint. Just as u dont think I get it.

I appreciate your knowledge of how to effectively argue your points, but the backbone of this type of discussion is so deep that we both know it would take 100 hours for us to express our points and get to the root.

So when i call you a liberal, I’m jumping to the root. When I refer to myself as a conservative, its a root as well. Understand I am very liberal on some social issues, as you may be conservative on some moral issues, but at the end of the day, Freedom of Choice and smaller government and de-regulation is my main concern.