Obamacares Fate, Votes in Today

Nah, they are all scum…just anti-regulation…wasn’t a big W fan either.

You’re not against me? Every time we get into this debate… you instantly call me a liberal or communist not knowing where I stand on the majority of things. It’s a very easy way to sway people because they see those words and instantly think bad things.

Good Point… let me ask you a question then… If you make 75k a year, do you think ObamaCare will cost you more? Call it a tax per John Roberts, or a Penalty per Obama,Romney.

Don’t know… will it? Do you agree with medicare?

Jammer a scammer ???lol come on Kev he is a great person /father / etc . Stay calm and don’t get personal !

Man… every time I get into it with him he always gets personal with me, calling me a liberal and communist, this and that. It can never be a reasonable debate.

If you already have insurance than no.

A murder is illegal even if nobody gets caught.

It’s just illegal. Its on the books as illegal.

That’s the dumbest argument for bribery I’ve ever heard.

It’s a joke, jackass. :banghead

In mother russia, jokes on him.

:cry :frowning:

What’s illegal about playing golf? Businesses may donate money, but unions supply money and manpower during elections. Which do you think is more valuable to a politician come November?

You have to remember too that about 30 companies with about one million low wage employees (i.e. McDonalds) got exemption waivers from the federal government so they don’t have to participate in Obama Care. Arent these the employees this new law is supposed to help?

there is nothing illegal about what they are doing, it may be questionable in nature, but not illegal.

and I’m with Jammer on this one, obamacare will do nothing more than raise taxes on the middle class, run small business out of business, and fuck up health care even more than it already is


Bribery, is an act of implying money or gift giving that alters the behavior of the recipient.

But you mean to tell me all the politicians getting gifts and donations for nothing else other than special treatment aren’t complaining? Say it isn’t so!

I can see how you would think that, but I do not believe thats true. I think I can show you where its not true as well if you care to delve into this.

You may have a point…
Please understand that your stances are often leaning toward progressiveness and big government, social welfare and equality. While that all sounds nice, we can’t haveit both ways. Capitalism does not play well with social equality and the movement that lends itself toward rewarding non-performers with the pockets of performers.

I do not believe in trophies for the losing team… nor do I think its fair for so many to ride the backs of hard working Americans.

I do not like that 15 million more people became eligable for foodstamps since Obama changed the guidelines. I think regulation and big government hinder the economy and employment. I think that freedom to make choices is paramont, as this country is the last bashton for that, and its being taken by the left.

I do not think the average American is capable of putting country before self, and I think they should, for the future generations. Too many people think about themselves first.

I could go on with evidence that would make you think… if i thought you had an open mind… but we both have our beliefs and admittedly would argue each point… so frankly, I dont think we could be constructive.

In the end, from the things you say, I can say, I feel you represent most of what I hate with regards to the issues I mentioned above, mainly because I just dont think you “get it” from an information an experience standpoint. Just as u dont think I get it.

I appreciate your knowledge of how to effectively argue your points, but the backbone of this type of discussion is so deep that we both know it would take 100 hours for us to express our points and get to the root.

So when i call you a liberal, I’m jumping to the root. When I refer to myself as a conservative, its a root as well. Understand I am very liberal on some social issues, as you may be conservative on some moral issues, but at the end of the day, Freedom of Choice and smaller government and de-regulation is my main concern.

Like most people you really have no idea of how the system works and instead have this perverted view, which isn’t surprising. As one of the people that you would consider to be a “briber” I can tell you that there is no such thing as a gift or a bribe. I give campaign cash to all sorts of people and nearly all of them have fucked me over at one point or another on an issue. I can also tell you that the one thing candidates like better than money is people out going door to door, making calls and canvassing for them, and no one mobilizes better than a union. Corporations aren’t putting boots on the ground, but labor unions can offer you thousands of people our knocking on doors, which they couple with all of the cash they give.

Ok so you’re telling me you didn’t sell a car to every person that walked through the door, at the end of the day cars get sold.

Riddle me this batman, if businesses’ only point is to make money, and they spend billions of dollars donating and lobbying, surely they see a return on the investment in the long run?

Why is your company in business? Because it brings results from lobbying. What results? Influences on policies and decision making.

I don’t care if you don’t call lobbying and donating bribing. As long as there is a name behind the money, it’s bribing. Irony is since it’s not illegal as its not a binding contract politicians are allowed to double dip from many companies and they never “have” to show support to one in particular even though they collected from both.

If donations came anonymously than sure it’s fair game, however a million dollar check that says “from Pepsi, with love, hope you get elected” carries a message.

But feel free to tell me how “perverted” my view is and how innocent and perfect our system is as senators continue selling inside trading information during “sit in meetings” to trading companies on our open market.

god damn it, when you run for office I am voting you